Friday, July 1, 2011

Mango Pickle


Green Mango – 4 cups, cut into bite-size
Mustard Seeds – 1 tsp
Red Chili Powder – ¼ cup
Fenugreek – ½ tsp, ground
Asofoetida – ½ tsp
Garlic – 1 tsp, finely chopped
Vinegar – 3 tbsp
Curry Leaves
Water – 2 tbsp
Salt – 1 tbsp
Oil – 2 tbsp


Mix mango, salt and water and keep it overnight.

Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds. When it splutters, add fenugreek and fry for 20 seconds. Add curry leaves, garlic, asofoetida and fry for 30 seconds. Switch flame to low, add red chili powder and fry for 45 seconds. Add mango and mix well. When it cools down, add vinegar and mix well. Store pickle in a tight container and keep in refrigerator.

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